Physical Characteristics

The adult Angoumois grain moth has a wingspan anywhere from 1/2 to 3/4 inches, and its color ranges from off-white to yellowish-tan. Its hind wings have a telltale finger-like projection on their leading edges. Larvae are 1/4 inches long and white, with yellowish head and reddish-brown mouth parts.

Angoumois Grain Moth

The Angoumois grain moth is an internal feeder; its first-instar larva (or the stage between hatching and first molt) bores into a whole grain kernel, climbs in, lives on the contents, staying inside the kernel to pupate. The larvae can be active at low temperatures, making them a threat during winter. Any grain they infest is left with an awful smell and taste. Barley, corn, oats, rice, rye and seeds are its preferred targets. Adults are harmless, other than the eggs they lay that hatch into larvae, and they are attracted to light.


Inspect kitchen foodstuffs, and transfer any products stored in paper, cardboard or plastic bags into tight-sealing jars or Tupperware-type containers; don’t forget your dog or cat food, or birdseed. Throw out any products that show evidence of moth or larva activity. If you suspect moth activity, your Clark technician will know how to control them, with minimal impact on your environment and without putting your and your family’s safety at risk.

Latin name: Sitotroga cerealella