Mosquitoes Taking A Bite From Your Business?

Jun 2, 2022, 08:45 AM by Fred Speer

April 2022 Clark Commercial Blog – Mosquito Control Services

Is there anything more annoying than having dinner outdoors at your favorite restaurant and spending most of the time swatting away mosquitoes?

Aside from being an annoyance, mosquitoes are a health threat to customers and employees at commercial properties. They are the vectors of numerous diseases including West Nile virus, malaria, dengue and equine encephalitis (EEE).

That is why Clark Pest Control offers its Swat-Away mosquito service for commercial properties including business parks, wineries, hotels and resorts, restaurants, outdoor event centers, storage, warehouse and manufacturing facilities. Swat-Away is a comprehensive mosquito management plan designed to limit encounters between your customers and employees and these annoying, harmful pests.

Swat-Away will limit stubborn mosquito populations using a multifaceted approach to keep mosquitoes away. Commercial clients will notice a visible reduction in mosquito pressure after only one treatment.

How Does Swat-Away Work?

Next, a station is installed to target female mosquitoes laying their eggs. This is important, as female mosquitoes – which need a protein found in the blood of vertebrate animals to create their eggs – are the ones that bite. The station contaminates them with a biological fungus that eventually kills the insect, but not before it can be spread to other mosquitoes as she travels to other areas to lay more eggs. This targeted treatment turns the mosquitoes’ own biology against them, passing the fungus to any hidden breeding sites surrounding your business.

3.  Treat Mosquito Resting Areas:
Treat mosquito resting areas: Finally, your technician will apply a product designed for long-lasting mosquito control to foliage and shady areas where mosquitoes are known to rest. This thorough coverage will ensure that the product remains effective against mosquitoes until the next time your property is serviced.

Swat-Away Offers Additional Protection

Although your local vector control agency provides community-wide population control of mosquitoes, Clark’s Swat-Away service will offer targeted, ongoing coverage for your commercial property. This multi-layer approach to mosquito control, is serviced year-round, to ensure that your commercial property is regularly protected from these annoying and potentially dangerous pests.

While vector control focuses on macro-level, community-wide source reduction and population knockdown, Swat-Away works on a micro level on your property to minimize mosquito reproduction, interrupt the life cycle of developing larvae, and reduce adults by applying a chemical barrier.

A Year-Around Defense System

Mosquito season begins when temperatures consistently reach over 50 degrees, so depending on your location, mosquito season may last year-round. Mosquito eggs are extremely resilient, and can remain viable for up to a year, waiting until conditions are ripe to hatch. If winter rains provide adequate moisture, and warm temperatures occur, a mosquito can develop from an egg to a blood-sucking adult in only seven days. The Swat-Away service ensures that you’ll have an extra layer of defense against mosquito populations, no matter what weather conditions arise.

Clark Pest Control – The Choice for Commercial Properties

If your commercial property demands innovative pest management solutions and a pest management partner that understands your business, give Clark Pest Control a call at 800/936-3339.

The Clark Commitment to Safety

Clark Pest Control is committed to safeguarding your business or commercial property from pests during these challenging times. Our service technicians use such personal protective equipment as gloves, masks, and respirators, they practice social distancing, they call ahead to notify before a service, and they adhere strictly to all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines when servicing inside or outside your home.