Giving thanks and giving back

Nov 23, 2018, 12:38 PM by Fred Speer

Many of those affected by the recent California wildfires have been loyal Clark Pest Control customers, and our hearts go out to them, their families, and to everyone else whose lives have been disrupted by the fires.

With the arrival of the Thanksgiving holiday, Clark and the entire Clark Pest Control family encourage you to give thanks for the blessings in your life. But we also invite you to join us in helping those members of our larger California family touched by the fires. By donating to the American Red Cross, or by participating in a local relief effort, you can help those displaced by the fires.

Our focus on being good neighbors in the communities we serve isn’t something new. When Clark Pest Control was founded in 1950 by Charles Clark, being a good neighbor was an essential part of the foundation upon which he built his new company.

At Clark, we pride ourselves on the personal attention we give to customers and the personal connections we form. We want to understand your pest management needs and concerns, but we also value what is important to you and to the community where you live.

This is why Clark Pest Control views customers and employees as family, and Thanksgiving is a holiday built around family. And while families can be defined many different ways, the core values of caring, trust, and loyalty are there no matter what; they are what hold families together.

Our Clark Pest Control family wishes you and yours a happy Thanksgiving. We hope we can all come together and help our fellow Californians in their time of need. We also thank the thousands of first responders who have been on the front lines fighting the fire or helping residents to begin putting their lives back together.

Until next time, the pest management professionals at Clark Pest Control thank you for helping to keep unwanted pests out of your home.