Spring is here Do you have Termites?

Apr 9, 2010, 16:33 PM by User Not Found
Does you home have termites?

by: Dianne Tumlin

Spring is the time of year when termites will swarm. You may have seen thousands and thousands of small white winged "bugs" swarming in your yard. This means that the existing colony has gotten too large and some termites are leaving to make a new colony.

You may not have seen termites- after all they live in the ground. Or you might have seen some of their tunnels in your crawl space. Or if you are like me-  you don't like those dark crawl space places. So do what I do call the expert...call a licensed extermination company.

Many exterminators now have "green" friendly products that take care of termites and other wood destroying pests. When you make your call ask about the products they use and let them explain the process to you.

Get your property inspected on an annual basis- at minimum. Protect your investment--protect your home.

If you suspect a termite infestation Call Clark TODAY!