Crickets Take Over Williamson County School

Apr 2, 2010, 15:45 PM by User Not Found

By Amanda Hara 

BRENTWOOD, Tenn. - Was it an early April Fools joke or a senior prank? Officials at a Williamson County school aren't sure why someone set thousands of crickets loose inside Ravenwood High School. 

Students are likely behind the prank that probably cost them a few hundred bucks to pull off.

"There's an expense involved. It's a disruption. People who didn't have that planned for their day had to change what their plans were and had to focus on cleaning up the mess," said Williamson County School official Carol Birdsong. 

Sometime before 6 a.m. Wednesday students broke into Ravenwood High and set free thousands of crickets in an academic wing. Surveillance video could help catch the culprits. 

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