As The Mercury Rises So Does Pest Pressure

May 15, 2014, 15:47 PM by User Not Found

As California’s warm spring rolls toward summer the Clark Man wants to remind you that as the temperature rises on the thermometer so does pest activity.

And as you get out and about with your spring and summer activities, we remind you to keep any eye out for a pair of pests that can potentially cause harm to you and your family – spiders and stinging insects.

Spiders such as the common house, cellar, sac, gray house, brown widow and black widow are commonly found throughout various parts of California. And while spiders are beneficial to our eco-system since they trap and eat other invasive insects, they do tend to make most homeowners a little uneasy.

While most spiders are harmless, the black widow, with its rather creepy name, and venomous bite can post a threat for those coming into contact with it. For the record, the black widow spider gets it morbid name from the fact that the female often eats its male counterpart after mating.

Homeowners should not mistake the black widow spider’s withdrawn nature as a sign of friendliness. Black widows prefer dry, dark undisturbed places to spin their webs and hunt their prey.

Some areas where the black widow is commonly found include:


  • Storage sheds

  • Garages and carports

  • Under decks and benches

  • Wood or yard debris piles

  • Rocks and landscape bricks and pavers

  • Inside storage boxes, rolled up sleeping bags and yard furniture


When a black widow’s nesting site is disturbed they can bite unsuspecting humans. Usually these bites are no worse than a wasp sting but in some cases they can cause an anaphylactic reaction that requires medical treatment.


The Clark Man recommends wearing a pair of heavy gloves when cleaning out the garage or shed, unpacking items that have been stored away or working in the yard to avoid the black widow’s bite.

While yellow jackets and wasps are typically considered a late summer pest they do forage in the spring in search of a place to construct their nests. They will build their nests below ground or in undisturbed areas such as the eaves of a house or in trees.


The Clark Man recommends keeping food covered at outdoor events and cleaning up spills of sugary liquids and foods so as not to attract stinging insects.

And if you see what appears to be a nest, do not attempt to take the job of removing it upon yourself. Yellowjackets and wasps will aggressively defend their nests and with upwards of 30,000 inhabitants, the odds are not in your favor – call a pest professional to remove it.

Remember, if you have question on spiders or stinging insects, call 800/WE-NEED-YOU or drop me an e-mail at


Until next time, I’m the Clark Man and thanks for helping me keep unwanted pests out of your home.