Physical Characteristics

Adult field crickets vary in size from 1/2 inch to 1 1/8 inches long, as there are hundreds of species, at least 10 of them in California alone. Field crickets are typically black, but some vary to brownish yellow or straw-colored.

Field cricket

Field Cricket


The Field cricket is mostly known for severely damaging and destroying field crops and vegetable crops. Field crickets can be found outdoors in moist environments, such as mulched areas, weed-infested plant beds, in and around woodpiles, stones and debris. Their presence is often indicated by the males’ chirping sound, which occurs either day or night and is known as a calling song used to attract females.


Crickets are classified as occasional invaders, and if they’re getting into your house, it’s by mistake. Your Clark technician can point out ways to keep them outside, where they belong. This integrated pest management (IPM) practice is called exclusion.

Latin name: Gryllus assimilis, et al.